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A project by Teatro Viriato and Leigos para o Desenvolvimento

FROM 15 MARCH 2021 

Imagine you arrive home after work missing São Tomé. Or you have never been to São Tomé and you would like to go there. Imagine that you open your computer and, suddenly, you find yourself next to the road, at the entrance of Formiguinha.

A guide welcomes you, and shows you around. You walk together, pass through the Largo da Amoreira, behind Manuel's house, arrive at the Largo da Sede de Portugal, pass through Rua do Embondeiro to the sound of the most beautiful music, and end up in the terreiro where Tchiloli is being performed. Along the way you hear stories from the locals, traditional songs, learn about traditional techniques and even hear your own thoughts in the voices and accents of other curious people who have already made this journey and recorded it for you.

"Roteiro Digital para a Boa Morte" (Digital Roadmap to the Boa Morte) is a video guided tour of the Boa Morte Neighbourhood in São Tomé, its traditions and inhabitants, on the one hand, and a meeting between foreign perspectives on the different corners and places of Boa Morte, on the other. 

The project, which is still under development, is divided into two parts, to be carried out throughout 2021. In the first phase, Graeme Pulleyn will travel to São Tomé to finish the rehearsals for his "Visita ao Bairro da Boa Morte" (Visit to the Boa Morte Neighbourhood). Tomás Pereira will be accompanying him to teach a video and editing training course with a team of São Toméan trainees, and to film the guided tour "Roteiro Digital para a Boa Morte" with the course’s trainers.

Simultaneously, and from a distance, illustrator Francisco Mariz Rodrigues will draw a map of this guided tour, which will soon be available a mere click away, on a website where you can (re)visit São Tomé whenever you wish.



After the invitation, by Leigos para o Desenvolvimento, to become a partner entity on project “(Re)Criar o Bairro”, Teatro Viriato was challenged to create, together with Grupo Comunitário do Bairro de Boa Morte (São Tomé and Príncipe), a staged guided tour of the Boa Morte neighbourhood based on their history, stories and traditions. This intervention aims to add value to Tchilolo, a popular form of theatre in São Tomé, and will be an integral part of the “Roteiro Boa Morte”, that tries to foster socioeconomic development, namely in tourism, and the transformation of the Boa Morte neighbourhood into a veritable reference in the realm of creative economies.

In September 2019, Graeme Pulleyn and Ana Bento, Teatro Viriato associate artists, travelled to São Tomé and Príncipe to develop a music and stage performance training programme for several Tchiloli groups. Stage director Graeme Pulleyn began the research and interview process to create the staged guided tour and define its route, with the help of the local community, and was expected to return from April 20th to May 12th 2020. However, the current pandemic forced the postponement of Teatro Viriato's 2021 intervention on “(Re)Criar o Bairro”.

“(Re)Criar o Bairro” is promoted by Leigos para o Desenvolvimento, within the ambit of programme “Iniciativas Piloto Economias Criativas” by Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, in partnership with CAEV/Teatro Viriato, Associação dos Artistas Plásticos Santomenses – APPLAS and Associação Cultural Arquivo 237.

JAN’19 a DEC’20
Bairro da Boa Morte, São Tomé e Príncipe

Promotion Leigos para o Desenvolvimento
With the support of Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian

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