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Teatro Viriato | Dançando com a Diferença


Dancing with our body and not despite our body.

Dançando com a Diferença is a dance company founded in 2001, in Madeira, that, ever since 2014, maintains a very close relationship with Teatro Viriato as a Project-in-Residence. With Teatro Viriato as its hub, the project has been sowing the seeds of an extremely relevant artistic, pedagogical and awareness-raising work, regarding social inclusion, in the city of Viseu, which in turn has been successfully welcomed, both by audiences and inclusive dance enthusiasts, as well as by schools and institutions.

With artistic direction by Henrique Amoedo, and general coordination by Ricardo Meireles in Viseu, at Dançando com a Diferença, health care (therapeutic support), education and art walk hand in hand; a trinity whose objective is to promote individual growth. All these vectors of action contribute to a permanent upgrading of how we talk about disabled people, ensuring that there is a place for a wide diversity of bodies and different perspectives in contemporary dance.


The artistic vector of Dançando com a Diferença is the one more easily recognised by the general public, because it refers to the work developed for the stage and all other public presentations, both by the collective in residence at MUDAS. Museu de Arte Contemporânea da Madeira (Calheta), and by those in Viseu. At Teatro Viriato, the resident inclusive dance collective works, weekly, and attends classes lectured by artists of multiple artistic disciplines.
Company Dançando com a Diferença has a repertoire of 32 productions, including their latest piece, titled “GABO”. A Teatro Viriato co-production that premieres in December 2020 with a cast exclusively made up of people residing in the district of Viseu.

Dançando com a Diferença (Viseu):
Dançando com a Diferença/Viseu general coordinator Ricardo Meireles
Participants Ana Cláudia Lopes, Anabela Teixeira, Camila Cabral, Carla Almeida, Catarina Campos, Cati Cardoso, Cuca Calheiros, Daniela Costa, Daniela Dias, Diogo Peres, Fernando Vieira, Filipe Domingues, Graça Rebelo, Hélder Cardoso, Helena Oliveira, Henrique Freitas, Inês Oliveira, Isabel Ferreira, Ismael Santos, João Estrela Azevedo, João Paulo Lopes, João Vasconcelos, Jorge Lopes, José António Correia, Juliana Ribeiro, Luísa Vaz, Margarida Carvalho, Natália Fonseca, Orlando Vicente, Rita Antunes, Rosana Costa, Sandra Farinha, Sara Dias, Sara Lourenço, Susana Tavares and Teresa Costa

In parallel with its dance activities, Dançando com a Diferença ensures that all actions include a component of therapeutic support that contributes to prepare disabled persons for active live, training their autonomy and self-representation ability, so that they can act and speak for themselves, potentially resulting in a fullest and more effective social inclusion.
On the subject of relations with Viseu society, Dançando com a Diferença collaborates with five institutions and one school through the realisation of a weekly inclusive dance class for their beneficiaries, students and collaborators:
  • APPACDM Viseu (Associação Portuguesa de Pais e Amigos do Cidadão Deficiente Mental de Viseu);
  • APPDA Viseu (Associação Portuguesa para as Perturbações Desenvolvimento e Autismo);
  • CAD Santo Estêvão (Centro de Apoio a Deficientes de Santo Estevão – UMP);
  • Internato Victor Fontes, APPACDM (Associação Portuguesa de Pais e Amigos do Cidadão Deficiente Mental de Viseu);
  • Escola Secundária Viriato.

It's in Viseu that Dançando com a Diferença now develops its vector of education within a school context, creating, in this city, a veritable education centre, with the complicity of Teatro Viriato and the support of municipal programme Viseu Educa. The promotion of inclusion at schools through inclusive dance is the main objective that guides this convergence with the realm of education.

Dançando com a Diferença, within the ambit of its education centre, created some specific projects for schools aimed at people with learning difficulties, with or without disability, be them students, teachers or other members of the school community. All these projects share a potential for inclusion that can be realised through different avenues:

Inclusive dance workshop designed for teachers, students and other parties within the school community.

Coro da Mudança
Inclusive dance art residency for Secondary Education students where participants are challenged to build and/or transform their public discourse based on their experimentations with body movement, its relation with the surrounding space and its relation to other bodies.

+Inclusão Escolas
Workshop that promotes the practise Inclusive Dance aimed at young students, raising awareness of how important this discipline is for fostering the growth and autonomy of individuals.

Projeto Educativo Dança Inclusiva
[Inclusive Dance Educational Project]
A workshop programme for Education professionals coordinated by various artists and specialists with different intervention approaches, with one thing in common, how to value the abilities of the students whom they work with everyday.

More about our project at:

Starting in September at Teatro Viriato
tue 7:00pm – 9:00pm

Every Tuesday, Dançando com a Diferença company, helmed by Henrique Amoedo (Artist-in-Residence), takes over our theatre with weekly Inclusive Dance classes. The participant's personal growth and aesthetic-artistic development, as well as the creation of new repertoire for the company, are the main objectives of all work produced, under the coordination of Ricardo Meireles.

These classes go beyond the walls of our building, also happening in other institutions of our fair city that work with disabled people, and at Escola Secundária Viriato. In this context of schools and institutions, Dançando com a Diferença focuses its intervention in the development of activities that give therapeutic and educational support, creating a basis that allows for a easier integration of those participants into future artistic actions.

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